Buying Car Insurance

Agent: Hello, Krashit Insurance.

Jackie: Hi, I wanted to get a Quote for car insurance.

Agent: Sure, I can help you with that. I Assume you want Liability insurance, but what other Coverage would you like to get?

Jackie: Umm…I’m not sure. This is my first car.

Agent: In that case, let me make a few suggestions. You’ll definitely want Collision insurance. It pays to fix your car if you hit another car or Run into something.

Jackie: Okay, sure, I want that.

Agent: You’ll also want Comprehensive insurance. It pays for Damage to your car.

Jackie: How’s it different from collision insurance?

Agent: Well, it pays for damage to your car that’s not a result of an Accident, like In the case of theft, weather damage, or Vandalism.

Jackie: Okay, I want that, too.

Agent: You’ll want Property damage insurance to pay for damage you cause to someone else’s property. On top of that, you’ll want Uninsured motorist insurance in case the other driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for the damage to your car.

Jackie: Umm…I guess I’ll take that, too.

Agent: And I don’t think you can do without Medical payments insurance. It pays for your medical bills and those of your Passengers in case of an accident. Should I get you a quote for all of this coverage?

Jackie: Why don’t you Hold off on that? I’m not sure how I’m going to pay for all that and buy gas, too!

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Buying Car Insurance