Dear Sam,
I am writing to follow up on our phone conversation Re: the upcoming meeting. We’ve made good Headway in our planning, having Settled many of the arrangements, e. g., the date, time, and Venue. However, we still need to decide on the Agenda, i. e., who will speak, in what order, and for what length of time. Fortunately, we have Free rein To set up the meeting As we see fit, so it’s just a matter of Hammering out The details before we can invite the participants, book the meeting room, Etc.
I suggest that we call a second meeting and invite some of the people who will be involved in the meeting: Adam, Lin, Toshi, Cecelia, Et al. With everyone there, we should be able to come to a decision about the Remaining issues. If this is In line with your thinking, I’ll send out an email ASAP.
Let me know what you think.
P. S. We also need to start planning the annual meeting, but we can wait until this one is Wrapped up before we start on that.
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