What do people in Europe call little gray cats?
Ответ: Little kittens.
What makes a Dalmatian dog spotted?
Ответ: His spots.
What bird can lift the heaviest weight?
Ответ: The crane.
When is a dog’s tail not a dog’s tail?
Ответ: When it’s a waggin’.
How do we know that one bird is insane?
Ответ: Because it is always a raven.
What do you get when you cross a pit bull with a collie?
Ответ: A dog that runs for help… after he bites your leg off.
What kind of dog can jump as high as the tallest building in the world?
Ответ: Any kind — a building can’t jump.
What kind of horse likes to be ridden at night?
Ответ: A night mare.
Why are cards like wolves?
Ответ: Because they belong to a pack.
What do you call nervous insects?
Ответ: Jitterbugs.
What is a foreign ant?
Ответ: Import-ant.
Why are spiders like tops?
Ответ: They are always spinning.
What advice can you give a fish so he can avoid being caught?
Ответ: Do not fall for any old line.
What animal talks a lot?
Ответ: A Yak.
How do you know that bees are happy?
Ответ: Because they always hum while they work.
What did the baby porcupine say to the cactus?
Ответ: Are you my mother?
An old fashioned bike wheel has 21 spokes. How many spaces are between the spokes — 20, 21, or 22?
Ответ: 21; draw it and count them.
Why should you always carry a watch when crossing a desert?
Ответ: Because it has a spring in it.
A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days and returned on Friday. How is that possible?
Ответ: Friday is a horse!
What has 4 wheels and flies?
Ответ: A garbage truck!
How do you make a Venetian blind?
Ответ: Poke him in the eye!
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Ответ: Practice, practice, practice!
Think fast: There’s an electric train traveling south. The wind is from the north-west. In which direction would the smoke from the train be blowing?
Ответ: An electric train has no smoke!
What is the second most used letter in the English language? Hint: it is also the first letter of the most used word in the English language.
Ответ: The letter T.
How can you avoid hitting your fingers when driving in a nail with a hammer?
Ответ: Hold the hammer with both hands.
Why did the bubble gum cross the road?
Ответ: It was stuck on the bottom of the chicken’s foot.
What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?
Ответ: A man — crawls as a baby, then walks on 2 feet, then uses a cane (3 legs) as an old man.
Where did Pilgrims land when they arrived in America?
Ответ: On their feet.
What 5 letter word can have its last 4 letters removed and still sound the same?
Ответ: QUEUE, remove UEUE, say Q. Q and queue are pronounced the same.
If you see a bird sitting on a twig, how could you get the twig without disturbing the bird?
Ответ: Wait until the bird flies away.
When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house?
Ответ: When the door is open.
What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn’t a cat?
Ответ: A kitten.
When is a doctor most annoyed?
Ответ: When he is out of patients.
Why isn’t your nose twelve inches long?
Ответ: Because it would then be a foot.
What has five eyes, but cannot see?
Ответ: The Mississippi River.
What is it that by losing an eye has nothing left but a nose?
Ответ: The word NOISE.
What has a foot on each end and one in the middle?
Ответ: A yardstick.
Which one of our Presidents had the largest shoes?
Ответ: The president with the largest feet.
Who succeeded the first President?
Ответ: The second one!
Some months have thirty days and some months have thirty-one days. How many months have twenty-eight days?
Ответ: All twelve months have 28 days. Some have more as well.
At the hardware store I was quoted 12 cents for one, 24 cents for 50, and 36 cents for 144. I wanted six. What was I buying and how much did it cost me?
Ответ: Prices quoted were for house numbers at 12 cents per number. A number ‘6’ cost me 12 cents.
If two boys and a girl can beat their father in a tug-of-war, but their mother can win against a boy and two girls, who should win a contest between the father and a girl against the other and a boy?
Ответ: The mother and boy. Pitting the 2 winning teams against the 2 losing teams (boy + boy + girl + mother versus father + boy + girl + girl) will obviously result in a win for boy + boy + girl + Mother over father + boy + girl + girl. Take a girl and boy away from each side, and boy + mother must still beat father + girl.
If a crab and a half weigh a pound and a half, but the half crab weights half as much again as the whole crab, what do half the whole crab and the whole of the half crab weigh?
Ответ: 2.1 pounds. The ‘whole crab’ must weigh 0.6 pounds, and the ‘half crab’ 0.9 pounds, totaling 1 1/2 pounds. If the former were halved and the latter doubled, the weights would then be 0.3 and 1.8 pounds, totaling 2.1 pounds.
A chessboard has squares that are two inches by two inches by two inches. What is the diameter of the largest circle that can be drawn on the board in such a way that the circle’s circumference is entirely on black squares?
Ответ: The diameter is 6.324 inches. Diameter is equal to twice the radius.
Compose a grammatical and sensible sentence in which all words begin with the same sound and yet none begin with the same letter.
Ответ: Pneumonic gnomes knew mnemonic names.
Now compose a grammatical and sensible sentence in which all words begin with the same letter and yet none begin with the same sound.
Ответ: Ptomaine poisons Pnom-Penh’s psychedelic philosophers.
I started 2 watches at the same time, It turned out that one of them went two minutes per hour too slow, and the other went one minute per hour too fast. When I looked at them again, the faster one was exactly one hour ahead of the other. How long had the watches been running?
Ответ: The faster watch gains on the slower one at the rate of three minutes every hour. After 20 hours, the faster one will be ahead by one hour.
What is so unusual about the number 2520?
Ответ: 2520 is the lowest number into which all the digits from 1 to 10 will divide evenly.
My first wears my second; my third might be what my first would acquire if he went to sea. Put together my one, two, three, and the belle of New York is the girl for me. What one word am I?
Ответ: Manhattan.
When is the best time to have lunch?
Ответ: After breakfast!
If 20 blackbirds are on a fence and you shoot one, how many remain?
Ответ: None, they would all fly away from the sound of the shot.
What was given to you, belongs to you exclusively and yet is used more by your friends than by yourself?
Ответ: Your name.
Every time you stand up, you lose this. What is it?
Ответ: Your lap.
What is the hardest thing to deal with?
Ответ: An old deck of cards.
What is the most important thing in the world?
Ответ: The letter e because it is first in everybody and everything.
What runs around town all day and lies under the bed at night with its tongue hanging out?
Ответ: Your shoes.
If all the letters in the alphabet were on top of the highest mountain, which letter must leave first?
Ответ: The letter D would begin the descent.
What is the difference between a farmer and a seamstress?
Ответ: One gathers what he sows, the other sews what she gathers.
What is the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe?
Ответ: One makes acorns, the other makes corns ache.
When should you strike a match?
Ответ: Only when it becomes violent.
How are a jeweler and a jailer alike?
Ответ: The jeweler sells watches and the jailer watches cells.
Why was it so hard to find Abe Lincoln in Washington DC?
Ответ: They were using his Gettysburg Address.
Where did King Arthur learn to joust?
Ответ: In Knight school.
How much water can you put into an empty 2 quart jar?
Ответ: None, it would not be empty.
What stars should you stay away from?
Ответ: Shooting stars.
What can you count on no matter what?
Ответ: Your fingers or toes (or both!).
What is the happiest state in the USA?
Ответ: Maryland.
Why would you put money in a freezer?
Ответ: To get some cold, hard cash.
What teaches without talking?
Ответ: A book.
Whom should you call when your feet hurt?
Ответ: A toe truck.
What makes a man bald-headed?
Ответ: Lack of hair.
How do you make an egg roll?
Ответ: Push it down a hill.
What is the tallest building in the world?
Ответ: The library because it has the most stories.
What is as big as an elephant but doesn’t weigh anything?
Ответ: The shadow of an elephant.
What has a big mouth but doesn’t say a word?
Ответ: A river.
What is the longest word in the English language?
Ответ: SMILES — there is a mile between the 1st and last letters.
What is the shortest month?
Ответ: May, it has only 3 letters.
What is the greatest invention in the world?
Ответ: The wheel — it got everything rolling.
What is the loudest sport?
Ответ: Tennis — it’s played with a racket.
What is the hardest thing about learning to roller skate?
Ответ: The ground.
Who is bigger, Mrs. Bigger or her baby?
Ответ: Her baby is a little bigger.
What always ends everything?
Ответ: The letter g.
What cake is as hard as a rock?
Ответ: A marble cake.
Not a single parent objected when the teacher spanked every child in the class. Why?
Ответ: The class was in an orphanage.
Thirty people died in a plane crash, but not a single survivor was buried. Why?
Ответ: You do not bury survivors!
A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed 2 days, then rode out of town on Friday. How did he do that?
Ответ: His horse is named Friday.
96 is not 69 upside down. Explain.
Ответ: Turn 96 upside down and you will get 96.
A person living in New York can’t be buried in Pennsylvania. Why?
Ответ: You should never bury a person who is living.
A prowler was able to see right through the brick wall of a house. How?
Ответ: He looked through the window.
All of Jenn’s pets are dogs except one, and all of her pets are cats except one. How many cats and dogs does Jenn have?
Ответ: Jenn has one cat and one dog.
What musical note cannot vote?
Ответ: A minor.
What is the reddest side of an apple?
Ответ: The outside.
What is it that one needs most in the long run?
Ответ: Your breath.
Where does Friday come before Thursday?
Ответ: In the dictionary.
What animal keeps the best time?
Ответ: A watchdog.
Can giraffes have babies?
Ответ: No, they only have giraffes!
What do you call a funny book about eggs?
Ответ: A yolk book.
What do you get when you saw a comedian in two?
Ответ: A half wit.
When is it dangerous to play cards?
Ответ: When the joker is wild!
What does the Invisible Man drink at snacktime?
Ответ: Evaporated milk.
Перевод текста healthy food.
2 choosing a career.
Best riddles part 2