[middle-of-the-road] {adj.} Favoring action halfway between twoopposite movements or ideas; with ideas halfway between two oppositesides; seeing good on both sides. The men who wrote theConstitution followed a middle-of-the-road plan on whether greaterpower belonged
Идиома: educated guess Перевод: предположение, основанное на знаниях и / или фактах, и, поэтому, вполне вероятно, соответствующее действительности Пример: “How did you know that?” “I just made an educated guess, and it turned out
[throw oneself at someone’s head] or [fling oneself at someone’shead] {v. phr.}, {informal} To try hard and openly to make a personlove you. She threw herself at his head, but he was interested inanother
Идиома: nuts and bolts (of something) Перевод: основные элементы, детали чего-либо; основы, азы Пример: The nuts and bolts of the housing loan were carefully discussed by the bank and their client. Детали жилищного кредита
[great guns] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very fast or very hard. – Usually used in the phrases “blow great guns”, “go great guns”. Thewind was blowing great guns, and big waves beat the shore.
[have the right-of-way] {v. phr.} To have priority in proceeding intraffic on a public highway while other vehicles must yield and wait. “Go ahead,” he said. “We have the right-of-way at thisintersection.”
[fill the bill] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be just what is needed; begood enough for something; be just right. The boss was worriedabout hiring a deaf boy, but after he tried Tom out for
[all in good time] {adv. phr.} Some time soon, when the time is ripe for an event to take place. “I want to get married, Dad,” Mike said. “All in good time, Son,” answered
[showdown] {n.} A final challenge or confrontation during whichboth sides have to use all of their resources. You cannot know acountry’s military strength until a final showdown occurs.
[as an aside] {adv. phr.} Said as a remark in a low tone of voice; used in theaters where the actor turns toward the audience as if to “think out loud.” During the concert