Значение идиомы in one’s hair

[in one’s hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Bothering you again andagain; always annoying. Johnny got in Father’s hair when he wastrying to read the paper by running and shouting. The grown-upssent the children out to

Значение идиомы bingo card

[bingo card] {n.}, {slang} A response card, bound into a periodical, containing numbers keyed to editorial or advertising matter, giving the reader the opportunity to send for further information by marking the numbers of

Значение идиомы glad rags

[glad rags] {n.}, {slang} Clothes worn to parties or on specialoccasions; best clothes. Mrs. Owens put on her glad rags for theparty. Compare: BEST BIB AND TUCKER.

Значение идиомы Dear John letter

[Dear John letter] {n. phr.} A note or a letter informing one that a romantic relationship or a marriage is over. Jane left a “Dear John letter” on the table and went home to

Значение идиомы baby boom

[baby boom] {n.} A sudden increase in the birth rate. The universities were filled to capacity due to the baby boom that followed World War II.
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