Значение идиомы on the strength of
[on the strength of] {prep.} With faith or trust in; dependingupon; with the support of. On the strength of Jim’s promise toguide us, we decided to climb the mountain. Bill started arestaurant on the
Перевод идиомы far into the night, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: far into the night Перевод: глубокая ночь, поздняя ночь Пример: I studied far into the night because I had a big test the next day. Я занимался до глубокой ночи, потому что на
Значение идиомы fan the breeze
[fan the breeze] {v. phr.} 1. See: SHOOT THE BREEZE. 2. To swingand miss the ball in baseball. The batter tried to hit a home runbut he fanned the breeze.
Значение идиомы turn one’s stomach
[turn one’s stomach] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make you feel sick. The smell of that cigar was enough to turn your stomach. Thesight of blood turns my stomach.
Значение идиомы throw down the gauntlet
[throw down the gauntlet] {v. phr.} To challenge, especially to afight. Another candidate for the presidency has thrown down thegauntlet.
Значение идиомы green power
[green power] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} The social prestige orpower money can buy one. In American political elections thecandidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backingthem.
Значение идиомы large order
[large order] {n. phr.} Difficult job; a difficult task to fulfill. It is a large order to educate three children in college at thesame time. Compare: TALL ORDER.
Значение идиомы eat like a bird
[eat like a bird] {v. phr.} To eat very little; have littleappetite. Mrs. Benson is on a diet and she eats like a bird. Alice’s mother is worried about her; she eats like a
Значение идиомы give out
[give out] {v.} 1. To make known; let it be known; publish. Marygave out that she and Bob were going to be married. 2. To let escape;give. The cowboy gave out a yell. Syn.:
Значение идиомы iron out
[iron out] {v.}, {informal} To discuss and reach an agreement about ; find a solution for ; remove. The company and its workers ironed out theirdifferences over hours and pay. The House and Senate