I had a little time between appointments and stopped at a fast food restaurant to get some lunch. The idea was To save time by using the drive-thru, but it didn’t work out that way.
Order-taker: Welcome to McDenny’s. May I take your order?
Daniel: Yes. I’d like a Cheeseburger, an order of French fries, and a large Soda.
Order-taker: I’m sorry, sir. Can you Speak up and speak directly into the Microphone? I can Barely hear you.
Daniel: Oh, okay. I want to order one cheeseburger, one order of fries, and a large soda.
Order-taker: That’s four hamburgers, an order of French fries, and a Sundae. Would you like anything else?
Daniel: No, I mean, yes. That order isn’t right. I wanted one cheeseburger, one order of fries, and a soda.
Order-taker: No problem, sir. There’s no need To shout. I can Add those to your order. That’s four hamburgers, one cheeseburger, two orders of French fries, a sundae, and a soda. Your total comes to $18.95. Please Pull up to the next window.
Daniel: Wait! Hello, hello. There’s been a Mix-up. Hello!
Order-taker: Please pull up to the next window, sir. There are cars behind you and you’re Holding up the line.
Daniel: But you don’t understand. My order is all wrong. I don’t want five burgers!
Order-taker: Well, sir, if you’ve Changed your mind, just tell me your new order. There are other customers waiting.
Daniel: Forget it. Cancel my order. I’ve Lost my appetite!
Наука и техника топик по английскому.
Animals in zoo топик.
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A Restaurant Drive-Thru