Adjusting to marriage sometimes poses some unexpected problems. But when I came upon a friend of mine in a bar the night after his wedding, I had ask exactly what he was doing there instead of with his new bride.
«Well, you see, this morning when I got up,» he said, «I was barely awake from a wonderful night of love-making. More out of habit than anything else, I put a fifty dollar bill on the dresser.»
I told him not to worry about it, that his new wife probably wouldn’t even think anything of it; that he could always say he left her some spending money.
«No no!» he half wailed/half said, «You don’t understand. She was half asleep too and gave me $30 change.»
Кто такой гай фокс на английском языке с переводом.
Generation gap топик по английскому.
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