A Marriage Proposal I
I have been trying to Get up the nerve to ask my girlfriend to Marry me. We have been dating for almost a year and I think she’s The one. I went shopping for Engagement Rings and really hated the experience. I wasn’t sure what kind of ring she’d like and it took me a long time to decide. Finally, with the help of the Saleswoman, I picked one.
So, I’ve got the ring. Now, I’ve just got to Find the right time to Pop the question. I needed to think of a Romantic way to Propose. I’ve watched enough romantic movies with my girlfriend to know that the Proposal has to be something special.
I thought about taking her on a trip to Paris and asking her in the “City of Love.” But I spent all of my money on the ring so that’s Out of the question. I thought about writing her a love Poem and proposing in the poem. But I’m a terrible writer. I thought about Serenading her outside her window, but with my voice, I’m sure the neighbors would Call the police.
I don’t know what to do. How do I ask her to marry me?
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