[whispering campaign] {n.} The spreading of false rumors, or sayingbad things, about a person or group, especially in politics or publiclife.
A bad man has started a whispering campaign against themayor, saying that he isn’t honest.
Мини сочинение о рыбалке на английском.
Проект по английскому какое будет лето.
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- Значение идиомы start up[start up] {v.} 1. To begin operating, The driver started up themotor of the car. The engine started up with a roar. 2. To beginto play. The conductor waved his baton, and the bandstarted up. The orchestra started up a waltz. Compare: STRIKE UP.3. To rise or stand suddenly. When he heard the bell, he ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы bandy about[bandy about] {v. phr.} To spread rumors or whisper secrets. The news of Jim and Mary’s divorce was bandied about until everyone at the office had heard it....
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- Значение идиомы start in[start in] {v.}, {informal} 1. To begin to do something; start. Fred started in weeding the garden. The family started in eatingsupper. Compare: GO AT. 2. To begin a career. Bob started in as anoffice boy and became president. 3. To give a first job to. Thebank started him in as a clerk....
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Значение идиомы whispering campaign