[thumb a ride] {v. phr.}, {informal} To get a ride by hitchhiking;hitchhike.
Not having much money, Carl decided to thumb a ride toNew York.
Топик на английском my family.
Hobby топик по английскому.
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- Using an Instruction ManualAretha: Oh, here’s the Instruction manual. I’ll read you the Section on “getting started.” Carl: No, you don’t need to do that. I know how to do the Installation. Aretha: But don’t you want to hear about the different Functions and Specifications? Carl: There’ll be time for that after everything is Hooked up and we ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы stick out[stick out] {v.} 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface;project; extend. The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree. 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; benoticeable. My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticksout and you can’t miss it. Mary ... Читать далее...
- Getting Access to Restricted AreasSecurity officer: Excuse me, sir, but this is a Restricted area. Only Authorized personnel are Permitted. Carl: I just want to take a quick look. Is this really where the president will be speaking? Security officer: I can Neither confirm nor deny that, sir. Please step aside. Carl: What if I have Press credentials? Could ... Читать далее...
- Raising TeenagersCarl: Hi Marla, I’m really surprised to see you here. I didn’t know you had kids attending this high school. Marla: I don’t – not yet. I heard about this meeting and decided to attend. It’s best to be ready for those teenage years, don’t you think? Carl: Sure. Marla: I heard that the Principal ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы thumb a ride