[such-and-such] {adj. phr.} Being one whose name has been forgottenor whose name does not need to be mentioned.
She told me to go tosuch-and-such a street and turn right.
Suppose, now, that we havesuch-and-such a group coming to the school, and we don’t have enoughchairs. What do we do then?
О беларуси на английском языке.
Look after.
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- Значение идиомы Johnny-come-lately[Johnny-come-lately] {n.} Someone new in a place or group;newcomer; also: a new person who takes an active part in group affairsbefore tlie group has accepted him; upstart. Everybody was amazedwhen a Johnny-come-lately beat the old favorite in the race. Whenit looked as though Mr. Brown had a good chance of winning, manyJohnny-come-latelies began to support ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы back street[back street] {n.} A street not near the main streets or from which it is hard to get to a main street. We got lost in the back streets going through the city and it took us a half hour to find our way again. Compare: SIDE STREET....
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- Значение идиомы in turn[in turn] {adv. phr.} According to a settled order; each followinganother. Each man in turn got up and spoke. Two teacherssupervised the lunch hour in turn. Two of the three boys teasetheir younger brother — John, the biggest, teases Bob, the middle boy;and Bob in turn teases Tim, the youngest. Compare: IN ORDER....
- Describing Position and Location Within a GroupSelena: Don’t look now, but a big group of mothers are coming to this house To give you a piece of their mind. Justin: What?! I meant it as a joke. I Didn’t mean anything by it. Selena: You’ll have to tell that to Sally. She’s At the head of the group and she’s Flanked ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы cut across[cut across] {v.} 1. To cross or go through instead of going around; go a short way. John didn’t want to walk to the corner and turn, so he cut across the yard to the next street. 2. To go beyond to include; stretch over to act on; affect. The love for reading cuts across ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы take a turn[take a turn] {v. phr.} To become different; change. Mary’sfever suddenly took a bad turn. The story took an odd turn. Oftenused with «for the better» or «for the worse». In the afternoon theweather took a turn for the better. Suddenly the battle took aturn for the worse....
- Значение идиомы turn the scales[turn the scales] {v. phr.} To affect the balance in favor of oneparty or group against the other. It could well be that the speechhe made turned the scales in their favor....
- Значение идиомы come up[come up] {v.} 1. To become a subject for discussion or decision to talk about or decide about. «He was a good salesman, and price never came up until the very last,» Mary said. The question of wage increases came up at the board meeting. Mayor Jones comes up for reelection this fall. 2. To ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы on easy street[on easy street] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Having enough money tolive very comfortably; rather rich. After years of hard work, theGrants found themselves on easy street. Jim’s novel was a successand put him on easy street. Compare: IN CLOVER, IN THE CHIPS, WELL-TO-DO....
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Значение идиомы such-and-such