[strike a bargain] {v. phr.} To arrive at a price satisfactory toboth the buyer and the seller.
After a great deal of haggling, theymanaged to strike a bargain.
Сочинение на английском о вымирающем животном.
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- Negotiating With a Street VendorSean: Just look at the quality of that. You won’t find a finer one anywhere. Patrice: It’s nice, but it’s more than I want To spend. Sean: Okay, just for you, I’ll Knock off 10%. What do you say? Patrice: I think it’s still too Pricey. I think I’ll Pass. Sean: Wait! Don’t be so ... Читать далее...
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- Dealing with a Mass Transit StrikeMarge: Where have you been? You should have been home over two hours ago! Homer: I’ve been trying to get home. Haven’t you been watching the news? The transportation workers union has voted To strike. There was a Mass walkout at 4:30 p. m. today. Marge: You’re kidding! I didn’t know anything about it. They ... Читать далее...
- Shopping for a Used CarMario: Do you want to go with me To test drive a car I’m thinking of buying? Danica: Sure. Which Dealership are we going to? Mario: I’m not buying a used car from a dealership. I’m buying it from a Private party. Dealerships Rip you off. Danica: Are you sure about that? My sister bought ... Читать далее...
- What kind of a woman«Would you sleep with me for ten thousand dollars?» asked John «Yes, I will.» Paula replied. «Would you do it for one thousand?» he asked. «Well maybe, or maybe I’d do something else for you.» she answered with a wink. «How about a blowjob for $20?» responded John. «Hey! What kind of women do you ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы square deal[square deal] {n. phr.} 1. Equitable or fair treatment. We areproud to say that at this firm every employee gets a square deal. Contrast NEW DEAL, RAW DEAL....
Значение идиомы strike a bargain