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Значение идиомы strike out
[strike out] {v.} 1. To destroy something that has been written ordrawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it.
Johnmisspelled “corollary. ” He struck it out and wrote it correctly.
2.To begin to follow a new path or a course of action that you havenever tried.
The boy scouts struck out at daybreak over themountain pass.
John quit his job and struck out on his own as atraveling salesman.
3. To put out of play by making himmiss the ball three times; also: To be put out of play by missing theball three times.
The pitcher struck out three men in the game.
The batter struck out twice.
4. To push out an arm suddenly in ahitting motion.
The boxer saw his chance and struck out at hisopponent’s jaw.

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