Home ⇒ 📌Английские идиомы ⇒ Значение идиомы out of touch
Значение идиомы out of touch
[out of touch] {adj. phr.} Not writing or talking with each other;not getting news anymore.
Fred had got out of touch with people inhis hometown.
On his island Robinson Crusoe was out of touch withworld news.





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- Значение идиомы keep up [keep up] {v.} 1a. To go on; not stop; continue. The rain keptup for two days and the roads were flooded. Compare: KEEP ON. 1b. Togo on with ; continue steadily; never stop. Mrs. Smithtold John to keep up the good work. The teacher asked Dick to stopbothering Mary, but he kept it up. Compare: […]...
- Значение идиомы keep on [keep on] {v.} 1. To go ahead; not stop; continue. The neighborsasked them to stop making noise, but they kept right on. Columbuskept on until he saw land. – Often used before a present participle. Relentlessly, the boy kept on asking about the birds and the bees. The boy kept on talking even though the […]...