Working Overseas
Danielle: I’m so excited! I just got my new Posting overseas. I can’t wait to live Abroad and work as an Expat.
Angus: I remember my first overseas assignment. It was interesting, but the Adjustment took some time.
Danielle: I won’t have any problems. I already have my Work permit and Vaccinations, and I speak the language fairly well. And remember, I don’t have any family To relocate.
Angus: I didn’t think I’d have any problems either, but when I got to McQuillanland, I was in Culture shock.
Danielle: I’m ready for the differences in the Cost of living. I’ll be getting a Housing allowance, which will Offset the increase in Living expenses.
Angus: I wasn’t thinking so much about the expense of living abroad. I was referring to a different Pace of life and the many cultural differences that affect every Facet of life.
Danielle: That’s what I’m looking forward to. It’ll all be so exciting.
Angus: I’m glad you’re in Euphoria right now, but be prepared for some Bumps in the road.
Danielle: No problem. To me, Smooth sailing would be boring!
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