Using Different Payment Systems
Petra: Damn! That didn’t work either.
Ken: What are you doing?
Petra: I’m trying to pay for a new service I ordered, but the website won’t accept my Credit card as Payment. I even tried my Debit card, but it’s been Rejected, too.
Ken: Why don’t you just write a Check and mail it in?
Petra: I don’t have any checks. In this day and age, I should be able to use one of the many Electronic funds transfer options.
Ken: What are going to do now?
Petra: I might try sending a Wire, but my bank charges a large fee for wires.
Ken: How about signing up for Direct deposit?
Petra: If this were an Ongoing service I would, but this is a One-time thing. Do you think I could try your credit card?
Ken: I don’t know about that…
Petra: All right, if you feel funny about doing that, then could you buy me a Gift card for this website and then I can turn around and use the Balance?
Ken: That seems kind of Involved. Would you Pay me back in Cash?
Petra: Of course. I will write you an IOU right now and then go to the bank tomorrow.
Ken: How about if you go to the bank now? I’ll even give you a ride.
Petra: Is that really necessary? We don’t even know if it’s going to work.
Ken: When it comes to money, I always say, Better safe than sorry.
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