Samantha: Good morning. I had a few questions about buying a bus ticket. Do I need to buy one In advance?
Agent: You can, but it’s not necessary. You just need to arrive at the Terminal at least an hour before the scheduled departure time to buy your ticket. Boarding begins about 15 to 30 minutes before departure.
Samantha: Can I Reserve a seat?
Agent: No, seating is on a First-come, first-serve basis. I recommend getting there early during Peak times, but getting a good seat isn’t usually a problem with the Night service buses.
Samantha: I want to go from Charlestown to Myrtle Beach. Do you know how many Stops the bus will be making?
Agent: I think that bus makes six stops to pick up passengers En route, but you can check the schedule to be sure. That doesn’t include Rest stops and meal stops. If you want to make fewer stops, you can buy a ticket for one of our Express buses.
Samantha: How many bags can I bring On board? I’ll have two big pieces of luggage.
Agent: You’re allowed two bags. The Handler can help you Load them upon boarding, but you’re responsible for Retrieving them when you get off. Can I help you with anything else?
Samantha: No, thanks.
Agent: Thank you for calling and Have a safe trip.
Сочинение на англ моя профессия юриста.
Environmental protection is an easy problem.
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Traveling by Bus