Dad: Honey, I have some bad news for you. Fluffy has Gone to the other side.
Sarah: You mean she’s out of her cage again? I’ll go and try to find her.
Dad: No, you don’t understand. Fluffy Passed away in the night.
Sarah: Oh, she Died! That’s too bad, but she was Getting up there in years.
Dad: Yes, but she didn’t die a Natural death. She was Run over by the neighbor’s car.
Sarah: You mean she was Flattened? Cool!
Dad: Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, but I understand if you’re In shock. I guess people show Grief in different ways…
Sarah: Fluffy Went out with a bang. That’s the way she would have wanted to go.
Dad: I’d like to think of her as being in Heaven and she’s gone To meet her maker.
Sarah: I don’t think there’s an Afterlife for animals, Dad. It’s all just a part of the Circle of life.
Dad: Okay. I thought we could have a Funeral for her so we can Pay our respects.
Sarah: Is that really necessary?
Dad: I’d thought you’d want one. She was your pet after all.
Sarah: No, let’s just Bury her in the backyard.
Dad: And who said that the youth of today is Cynical?
Упражнения второго типа с ответами.
Elizabeth 2 на английском языке.
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The Death of a Pet