Ms. Sanchez: Okay, kids. I’m Ms. Sanchez, your Substitute for this week. I’m taking all of you on the Field trip tomorrow. Listen up. There are some Ground rules we need To go over. First, each of you will have a Partner and you will Hold hands while we cross the streets.
Student: Ms. Sanchez…?
Ms. Sanchez: I’ll take questions later. Let me Get through all of my instructions first. Remember, don’t talk to Strangers. There are Predators out there who are looking to Lure children away from their family and friends and To abduct them, so don’t Let your guard down.
Student: Ms. Sanchez…
Ms. Sanchez: As I said, I’ll take questions later. If you need To step away from the group, ask Permission first. If a stranger tries To accost or Waylay you, run away as fast as you can.
Student: Uh, Ms. Sanchez?
Ms. Sanchez: Yes?
Student: I think you’ve got the wrong classroom. We’re the eighth Graders. The first graders are on the second floor.
Ms. Sanchez: Where are my glasses? Oh, here they are. Oh! You’re not my first-graders! Why didn’t anyone say anything earlier?!
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