Paula: Okay, I’m off to bed.
Marcus: Wait a second. Where are you going with all of those Pill bottles?
Paula: My doctor Prescribed a couple of Medications to help me sleep.
Marcus: Let me see those. You have four different medications here. This is a Painkiller, this is a Sedative, this is a Tranquilizer, and this is a Stimulant.
Paula: I don’t take that last one when I go to bed.
Marcus: You mean you take the first three every night?
Paula: Not every night.
Marcus: I can’t believe that your doctor would prescribe all three of these medications just to help you sleep. This seems like Overkill.
Paula: I saw more than one doctor. They each gave me a different prescription.
Marcus: How do you know they won’t Interact and produce Side effects?
Paula: A doctor prescribed each one. I’m sure they’re safe.
Marcus: Yes, but Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? I’m Confiscating these until you can talk to a doctor or Pharmacist to make sure you won’t Overdose by taking all three of these at one time.
Paula: But how will I fall asleep until then?
Marcus: You’re always telling me how boring I am. I’ll just Regale you with stories of my youth. Let’s start at the beginning. My earliest memory is…
Жизнь 50 лет назад английский.
Топик знакомство на английском языке.
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