Stocker: Can I help you find something?
Meg: Yes, I’m looking for coffee.
Stocker: That’s on Aisle 3. Let me show you where it is.
Meg: Thanks. Hmm, I don’t see the Jitters Brand that I normally buy.
Stocker: It looks like we’re Out of stock. We should get another Shipment next week.
Meg: Okay, I’ll Check back. I’m also looking for the Fructose brand soda, but I didn’t see it in the soda aisle.
Stocker: I’m afraid that’s been Discontinued. Their Parent company no longer makes soda.
Meg: Really? I love Fructose soda. How about the Mushy brand bread? I didn’t see it when I checked the bread aisle.
Stocker: We no longer Stock the Mushy brand. There were some Quality control issues at the company, so we’ve Pulled all of their products from the Shelves. Can I help you find anything else?
Meg: No, I guess I’ll just have to try some new brands. Oh, yes, do you Carry Worm Organic apples?
Stocker: We normally do, but they’re Out of season right now. We won’t have any until early summer.
Meg: All of this shopping and I Have nothing to show for it. I guess I’m going home Empty-handed.
Stocker: We do have chocolate cakes and cookies on sale.
Meg: I’m there!
50 неправильных английских глаголов.
Travelling dialogues.
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Shopping at the Supermarket