In response to the seminar offerings by the female staff, the male staff has created a set of courses for females of all marital status.
The following courses will be offered:
General Education:
GE101: Why the Toilet Seat Has Hinges
GE102: Checkbook Balancing (formerly «Remedial Third Grade Arithmetic»)
GE103: How to Drive a Nail Without Breaking One
GE104: How to Parallel Park
GE105: Why Going to the Bathroom is Not a Group Activity
GE106: Road Maps and Other Crutches for Spineless Wimps
GE107: Why a Bad Sports Telecast is Better Than a Good Soap Opera
Home Economics:
HE101a: Over-Laundering — Why Clothing Wears Out Premature
HE101b: Over-Vacuuming — Why Carpets Wear Out Prematurely
HE101c: Over-Dusting — Why Furniture Wears Out Prematurely
HE101d: Over-Washing — Why Dishes Wear Out Prematurely
HE102: How to Avoid Spending Money You Don’t Have (formerly «How to Cut Credit Cards in Half»)
HE103: Overcoming «The Imelda Syndrome» (formerly called «How Many Feet Do You Have, Anyway?»)
Interpersonal Relationships:
IR101: How to Say «No» With Kindness and Appreciation
IR102: Why Men Enjoy Grocery Shopping About As Much As Women Enjoy Watching Roller Derby
IR103: Submission — a Biblical Perspective (prereq: SE101a or b)
IR104: Marriage — The Number One Cause of Divorce
IR105: Preposterous Mood Swings (PMS) (formerly «Keeping Your Personal Problems from Ruining Everyone Else’s Life Too»)
IR106: Understanding Men’s Revulsion to Tampon Commercials (formerly called «We Know What That Little ‘Plastic Applicator’ is REALLY For!»)
Entertainment topic.
Биография лермонтова английском с переводом.
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Seminars for a woman