Oscar: So you’re back from your mother’s birthday dinner. How was it?
Priscilla: Same old, same old. It isn’t a family gathering without a major Meltdown or Blowup.
Oscar: Yikes, what happened?
Priscilla: You know how it is. It starts out with Bickering and somebody Taking offense at some Slight or Dig, or bringing up some old Grievance.
Oscar: Well, that happens in most families.
Priscilla: Yeah, but in mine, they often turn into Screaming matches. We all Raise our voices and somebody always Storms out.
Oscar: Even at your mother’s birthday dinner?
Priscilla: The occasion doesn’t matter. My mother tries to be the Peacemaker, but it doesn’t take much for Tempers to flare.
Oscar: That never happens in my family.
Priscilla: What?! Your family doesn’t fight when it gets together?
Oscar: No, we try to Sweep things under the rug and Put on a brave face.
Priscilla: What happens when you get mad at each other?
Oscar: Nothing.
Priscilla: What do you mean nothing?
Oscar: A lot of our family meals are eaten in Stony silence.
Priscilla: Wow, I think I prefer our Knock-down, drag-out fights!
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