Ahmed: Have you heard the news?
Menna: The Nations of Palicia and Isram have signed a Peace treaty. This means that there will be an immediate Ceasefire and an end to Hostilities. This is a Historic day!
Ahmed: I never thought I’d live to see this day. Has everything been Settled?
Menna: Only the most important things. The Borders have been decided, there will be a Recognition of statehood, and Political prisoners will be exchanged.
Ahmed: That’s great, but does the treaty need to be Ratified by the people of the two nations?
Menna: Yes, but the leaders have already signed the documents and the ratification process is just a Formality at this point.
Ahmed: This means that Refugees will be able to return home.
Menna: That’s right. They’ll be able to go home At long last.
Ahmed: This is a Banner day for World peace, don’t you think?
Menna: Yes, and In that spirit, why don’t you call Hanna and invite her over for dinner? You two haven’t spoken in weeks.
Ahmed: It’s not going to be that easy. A peace treaty with my sister will require a Formal apology and Reparations!
Топик british meals.
To eat out of one s hand перевод.
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Negotiating a Peace Treaty