Oliver: I’ve just had to tell a client that I’m Running behind and I won’t Make the deadline.
Alena: How did she Take it?
Oliver: Not so well, at first. I knew she wouldn’t be happy, so I’ve been in a Dilemma for days: Should I tell her now that I’m going To miss the deadline, or wait until the deadline has passed.
Alena: For what it’s worth, I think you did the right thing. It gives her Advance notice in case it affects other parts of her project.
Oliver: That’s what I thought, too. I also offered To make up for any inconvenience the Delay would cause.
Alena: Did she Take you up on it?
Oliver: No, she said that giving me a three-day Extension wouldn’t Set her back, but if it Dragged on for longer than that, it would put her in an Awkward spot, and she would let me know.
Alena: I’m glad you Came to an understanding. So you’ll have it done by the new deadline, right?
Oliver: Yes, even if I have to Do without sleep, food, or bathroom breaks for the next week.
Alena: That’s very Dedicated of you, though potentially Messy.
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Missing a Deadline