Making a Bet
Suzanna: Hey, the Back of the line is over there.
Ivan: I was here. I just Stepped out of line for a minute to get some cash.
Suzanna: Yeah, right. I don’t remember you being in line Ahead of me.
Ivan: Come on. Let’s do this. We’ll Flip for it. If it’s Heads, I win and I get to get back into line. If it’s Tails, you win and I’ll go to the back of the line.
Suzanna: All right. I’ll Take those odds. You’re on.
Ivan: Here goes…Oh, it’s heads! I win.
Suzanna: I guess it’s Your lucky day.
Ivan: I guess so. How about going Double or nothing?
Suzanna: What are the Stakes?
Ivan: If it’s tails and you win, I go to the back of the line and I have to buy you a drink when we get inside. If It’s heads and I win, I get in back in line in front of you and you buy me a drink.
Suzanna: So, No matter what happens I have to have a drink with you?
Ivan: That’s the idea. What do you say?
Suzanna: Okay, you Talked me into it. Let’s see if Your luck will hold up.
Ivan: I’ve got a good feeling it will.





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