Patricia: This is the best Magic show I’ve ever seen. Have you ever seen so many amazing Magic tricks in your life? They’re Blowing my mind!
Sergio: They’re all just Illusions. It’s nothing but Smoke and mirrors.
Patricia: I don’t know how you can say that. We’ve seen some really impressive Sleight of hand tricks and that Escape artist seemed to do the impossible.
Sergio: Couldn’t you see that it was just Misdirection? While you weren’t looking, the magician left through the Trap door.
Patricia: Maybe that’s how that trick was done, but how do you explain the Mind reader? How did he know what I was thinking if he couldn’t really read my mind?
Sergio: I’m sure any Supernatural powers these magicians and entertainers claim to have have been Debunked by somebody. Maybe he used the Power of suggestion. Who knows?
Patricia: And maybe you’re just Jaded.
Sergio: And maybe you’re the most Gullible person who ever lived!
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Magic and Illusions