Nick: I’m turning 40 this year and What do I have to show for it?
Danielle: Actually, you’ve Accomplished a lot. Do you know what your problem is? Your Expectations are too high and your goals are Unattainable for most people.
Nick: Not for me. They shouldn’t have been. I had my life all Planned out and nothing is Turning out the way it should.
Danielle: I would never have Pegged you for someone with Regrets about how his life has turned out.
Nick: But I was supposed to make my first million dollars by the time I was 30. By 35, I should have met someone and Settled down, maybe had a child or two. None of that has Panned out.
Danielle: You have lots of friends and a full life. Maybe things didn’t turn out the way you had imagined, but wouldn’t you say you were generally Content?
Nick: I was before I started thinking about my Upcoming birthday.
Danielle: Then stop thinking about it. Too much Brooding could definitely lead to regrets – not to mention Premature aging!
Art in our life topic.
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