Xavier: Look out! Put your foot on the Brake!
Brandy: I am braking.
Xavier: No, your foot is on the Gas pedal!
Brandy: Oh. There’s the brake.
Xavier: You just Took 10 years off my life. I was sure you were going to hit the Median or the Railing. I didn’t know what I was getting into when I agreed to teach you how to drive.
Brandy: Relax. I’m really Getting the hang of this. Shifting gears isn’t as hard as I thought it would be, it’s cool To parallel park, and driving in Reverse is fun!
Xavier: Would you please keep your hands on the Steering wheel, instead of playing with the radio? Keep your eyes on the Speedometer and stop using the Rearview mirror to look at yourself.
Brandy: And you stop Working yourself into a tizzy. I’m a fine driver.
Xavier: I don’t think those people you’re about to hit would agree with you.
Brandy: If they don’t like the way I drive, they should get off the Sidewalk!
Oxford the university town.
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