Roberta: You know, my birthday is Coming up.
John: Yeah, I know. What are you Getting at?
Roberta: Nothing. I was just thinking that it’s kind of an important birthday, a major birthday.
John: Yes, I know. Spit it out. What are you Driving at?
Roberta: I was just thinking that some people might not know what to get me for such an important birthday, since some people don’t like To put a lot of thought into presents.
John: What are you Implying? Are you Insinuating that I don’t get you good presents for your birthdays?
Roberta: No, of course not. I just don’t want you to have To rack your brain to think of the perfect gift, that’s all.
John: Just tell me. What should I get you for your very important birthday?
Roberta: What? Just Blurt it out? I can’t do that. I can give you a Hint, but since you love me so much, I’m sure you can Read my mind.
John: That’s where you’re wrong. If I had a nickel for every time a woman thought I should be able to read her mind, I’d be the richest man in the world! I don’t have an Inkling of what you have on your mind.
Roberta: All right, I’ll make it more than a hint. I’ll give you three Clues.
John: Great. That’ll make things Crystal clear.
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Hints and Innuendo