Getting Ready to Go
I guess I’m just like everybody else. I Could do withouT Mondays. On the weekend, I can Kick back and relax, but I Dread going back to work when the weekend is over.
This morning was particularly Hectic. On Weeknights, I set my Alarm for 7 a. m. That’s what I did last night. But, when I woke up this morning and looked at my alarm clock, it was 7:30! The alarm clock was On the fritz and it didn’t Go off. Oh no, I was going to be late again.
I washed my face, put on my Make-up, got dressed, and ate a small bowl of cereal. I had One foot out the door when I realized I didn’t have my keys. I went back into my bedroom and looked on the shelf where I kept them. No luck. Maybe I left them in my Purse. I Hunted around for them. Finally, I just Dumped out everything from my purse onto my bed. I had my Wallet, sunglasses, compact, lipstick, eye drops, aspirin, tissues, and my PDA. But, no keys.
I looked around the living room. Maybe they fell behind the Couch cushions. I picked up each one and looked. No keys. I went into my closet and checked the pockets of my coat. Still, no keys. By this time, I was pretty Frantic so I tried to Calm myself down. I decided to get a drink of water. I opened the refrigerator and what did I see? My keys. They were sitting on the shelf right next to the milk. I must have left them there when I got the milk for my cereal. It Served me right for being so Absent-minded.
Oh, how I hate Monday mornings!
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