Mindy: Hey, where are you going?
Eric: I’m going to Traffic court. I got a parking Ticket and I’m going to Fight it.
Mindy: How much was the Fine?
Eric: It was Only $40. But it’s not the money, it’s the Principle of the thing.
Mindy: Why? Weren’t you parked Illegally?
Eric: No, I wasn‚Aot. The street I live on has Metered parking from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. After 6, you can park there with a Permit. Well, I parked my car at 7:30 PM and I have a permit. But, I Still got a ticket.
Mindy: Did you Display the permit clearly? It isn’t Expired, is it?
Eric: Yeah, it’s clearly displayed and it’s Good until June 2007.
Mindy: Well, it sounds like you have A good case. Are you Representing yourself or did you hire a Lawyer?
Eric: I’m going there by myself. Wish me luck.
Mindy: Good luck. If the judge Locks you away, I promise to visit you in jail.
Eric: Thanks a lot. I’ll remember that.
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Fighting a Parking Ticket