Examinations will soon be here – Подготовка к экзаменам
Don`t panic, just follow some strategies of preparation for the examinations. You may listen to the music you like but nevertheless you will need to revise the material for the exam. Well, you may read for the exam during night, it helps to learn a lot but it is not good for your health as the cycle of sleep will be broken. If you sleep at night, you will easily cope with stress at the exam. Don`t shelve revision of the material, the sooner you do it, the better.
Another step is checking what you have learnt; it is useful because it helps to remember more information than usual. Involve your imagination into the learning process, and try to remember what happened in the classroom when the lecture was delivered to you. Imagination and visual memory play a significant role in order to retell the lectures at the exam.
Listen to the music while learning something, because beautiful sounds or melody of your favourite singer might positively affect your rational and creative
While learning something, don`t forget to make pauses and relax a bit. The day before exam you`d better revise some basic material and your notes, don`t learn new topics, it will not help anyhow. It is better to believe in events that had already been in your life, so you may imagine the fact that you have already passed the exam with an excellent mark and you open your record book just to look at the notes in it — lovely, isn`t it? When you will be in the room to pass the exam, simply remind yourself the situation that you have already seen in your imagination — it works, it helps to calm down and concentrate on the question you get. And the last thing to mention here is a special amulet — maybe this is your pen or a napkin with flowers on it — that you take with you for feeling confident at the exam.
I wish you good luck!

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