Libraries (2)

Топик Библиотеки (2) рассказывает о важной роли этих хранилищ книг в культурном развитии страны. Мы проводим много времени за чтением художественной литературы, рассказов, книг о путешествиях, книг для детей и книг на иностранных языках. Но, люди читают книги не только для удовольствия, а и для того, чтобы восполнить пробелы в определенных сферах своей деятельности. В общем и целом, к книгам нужно относиться бережно, особенно, библиотечным.

Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of

a country. People have a desire to learn, they seek knowledge. Books satisfy this desire.

Books should not be read only for pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can find all kinds of books in the libraries: novels, biographies, fiction, short stories, books on travelling, technical books, magazines, books for children and so on. In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages.

When a reader comes to a library for the first time, he fills in his library card and the librarian helps him to choose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books he needs. We should be careful with the books and not damage them in any way. We should not make notes in library books or dogs-ear the pages.

Reading rooms are open to all who wish to work there. Besides books we can get periodicals, newspaper files and magazines to read there. Readers come to reading rooms to study and prepare material for their reports or for their scientific work.

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Libraries (2)