Топик Устройство на работу рассказывает о процессе устройства на новую работу. На самом деле, чтобы найти достойную работу и занять эту вакансию, надо приложить немало усилий. Дело в том, что большие компании выбирают сотрудника из сотен кандидатов, по своим специальным требованиям, ориентируясь на его возраст, пол, опыт, семейное положение, характер и рекомендации. Перед собеседованием подготовьте хорошее резюме и подберите «правильную» одежду, чтобы оказать первое благоприятное впечатление. После устройства на работу необходимо следовать всем правилам вашей компании, а при возникновении конфликта с работодателем, следует обратиться за содействием в профсоюз.
Getting a job is a very hard period in the life of most people. Companies choose an employee from hundreds of candidates according to special rules, that’s why there’re special ‘typical’ factors, influencing on employer’s choice. Among such factors are: age, sex, experience, family background and marital status, personality and references.
If you’re to go to an interview tomorrow, sleep well before it and don’t forget your CV at home — is the basic rule. Moreover, there’re some recommendations, which can help you, for example, to read annual report or newspaper of the company to show your understanding of the corporate strategy on the interview. What’s more, you should choose corresponding dress code for the interview. Even such advices are to help you make a good impression but some companies don’t want to hire a man who follows every advice.
To illustrate this, I can quote Artemiy Lebedev, the most famous Russian web-designer: «If you enclose a standard stupid resume written by the rules of American bureaucracy, we would delete it immediately after receiving. If your CV is composed according to all rules, we wouldn’t choose you as we might think, that your profession is to acquire a job».
After getting a job, you may have some unexpected troubles with boss too: e. g. if you dye your hair or wear something not appropriate. The best solution of such situation is to ask a trade union for advice, which can always help you in your fight with an employer. Of course, if you affect company discipline not coming in time or working badly, your dismissal wouldn’t be unfair.
To conclude, I can say that it is sometimes hard not only to get a job but also to work in the staff and if you don’t want to be laid off, you should follow company rules — it is a must.
Диалог про достопримечательности на английском.
How i spent my winter holidays.
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