Emil: Look at this Breakfast buffet. Wow, I’ve Died and gone to heaven!
Tammy: I think I’ll just grab some Cereal, fruit, and a Bagel.
Emil: What?! How can you Pass up this amazing buffet? I’m starting with some Bacon, Scrambled eggs, and Hash browns.
Tammy: I don’t normally eat a big breakfast. If I’m still hungry after this, I’ll have some Pancakes.
Emil: Pancakes! I’m going to have some pancakes when I’m done with this first Round, plus some Waffles and French toast.
Tammy: Well, More power to you. I can’t imagine anyone eating more than what’s already on your plate.
Emil: I’ve only just begun. After the pancakes, waffles, and French toast, I think I’ll have an Omelet and some Biscuits and gravy. I might even have room for one or two of those Doughnuts.
Tammy: You’re not serious.
Emil: I’m Dead serious.
Tammy: You sound like you’re planning on staying here all morning.
Emil: That’s right. Do you want to meet me back here for the lunch buffet?
In all weathers перевод идиомы.
Сочинение на английском любимая еда.
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Eating Breakfast Foods