I invited my friend Nick to try a new restaurant with me. This restaurant was The latest thing, and since Nick was a Foodie, I thought he would Have an interesting take on the meal.
Anita: So, what did you think of the first course?
Nick: I thought it was Passable.
Anita: Just passable?
Nick: Yes, it was a Run-of-the-mill dish you could find in any Fine dining restaurant. No Gourmet would be Bowled over by it.
Anita: Oh, I thought it was pretty good. What about the main course?
Nick: I thought the fish wasn’t Seasoned properly and it was A touch overcooked.
Anita: I’m sorry to hear that.
Nick: And the wine Pairing was all wrong.
Anita: I’m not a wine Aficionado, so I guess my Palate isn’t as Sophisticated as yours. I thought the wine was wonderful.
Nick: Hmm, in my opinion, the entire meal was Forgettable.
That was the last time I invited Nick to join me for a meal. I thought the meal was delicious, but Nick’s comments Left a bad taste in my mouth!
День гая фокса на английском языке с переводом.
Как перевести слово cotton.
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Dining with a Foodie