Arturo: What are you listening to?
Ling: Some new music. You want to hear it?
Arturo: All right. That’s pretty Mellow, kinda Bluesy, isn’t it? It’s got an interesting Indie feel.
Ling: Do you like it?
Arturo: It’s all right. I like more Funky, dance music myself, but this is okay. It’s not too Depressing.
Ling: That’s Faint praise.
Arturo: No, no, I do like it. I guess I’m usually In the mood for more Up-tempo music, something with a Driving beat. I’m a Hard-core MC-Quillan fan, If that’s any indication.
Ling: Oh, I see, so you don’t really like Acoustic music much.
Arturo: It’s just Not my thing, you know?
Ling: Yeah, that’s too bad.
Arturo: Why?
Ling: That was a Track I recorded last week.
Arturo: This is your music? In that case, I love it.
Ling: You’re Just saying that.
Arturo: No, really, it’s Growing on me. In fact, I want to hear more. How about if I bring over some dinner on Saturday and you can play me a few more tracks?
Ling: You don’t mind?
Arturo: Believe me, I’ll be All ears.
Топик на английском my family.
Hobby топик по английскому.
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Describing One’s Taste in Music