Buying a Bicycle
I went to the Bike shop On Saturday morning to buy a bicycle.
Clerk: What kind of bike are you looking for?
Lance: I’m really not sure.
Clerk: Well, let me show you what we have. We carry Road bikes, mountain bikes, beach cruisers, and Racing bikes.
Lance: I’m going to start biking to work. I’ll be riding mainly on the road, but I want something Versatile enough for anything.
Clerk: Well, the road bikes are for everyday use. They have heavy Frames and Tires. The Seats are comfortable and so are the Handlebars. The mountain bikes are very Sturdy for Off-road cycling and have wider tires. Beach cruisers have just one speed, so you won’t be shifting any Gears.
Lance: Okay. Are the Brakes hard to handle?
Clerk: No. You either have Foot brakes, like on the beach cruisers, or you have Hand brakes. They’re very easy to get used to. If you want to keep it simple, I would either go for a road bike or a mountain bike. Those are the most popular.
Lance: If I get a bike, what other things do I need?
Clerk: I usually recommend an air Pump, a Bike lock, and a Helmet.
Lance: Okay, I’ll take a look around.
Clerk: Sure. Just let me know if you have other questions.
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