Kazakhstan sharpshooter Mariya Dmitrienko stood with her hand on her heart and a gold medal around her neck expecting to hear her country’s national anthem at an international shooting championship in Kuwait Friday.
Instead, the sound system blared the insulting parody anthem from the movie «Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.»
«Kazakhstan’s prostitutes cleanest in the region, except of course Turkmenistan’s,» the lyrics said.
Dmitrienko appeared uncomfortable, but she managed to display a thin smile and remain steady during the ceremony to honor her gold medal win at the Amir of Kuwait International Shooting Grand Prix.
Kazakh sporting officials were outraged.
«We gave them a real Kazakhstan anthem to listen (to),» head coach Anvar Yunusmetov told Kazakhstan’s Tengri News. «They offered their apologies and the next day three flags were raised, everyone stood up and the real anthem was played.»
Kuwait Shooting Federation officials called it an «unintentional» mistake and apologized, but the Kazakh foreign ministry has demanded an investigation.
Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic, was deeply offended when Sasha Baron Cohen’s «Borat» film hit theaters in 2006. Cohen, a British actor, plays a Kazakh journalist who travels to the United States.
Yunusmetov told Tengri News that the wrong anthem was played earlier when a Serbian shooter was honored.
«Before the awarding ceremony we applied to the organizers and asked them if they have Kazakhstan national anthem,» he said. They assured him they did, he said.
The «anthem» played was downloaded from the internet, he said.
The Kazakhstan Sports and Physical Culture Agency filed an official protest with Kuwait organizers, according to Tengri News.
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Borat parody mistakenly played for Kazakh gold medalist