What always happens at the end of a dry spell?
Ответ: It rains.
When a child stomps through a mud puddle, what is the first thing he does?
Ответ: He (or she) gets wet.
Why was Washington buried at Mt. Vernon?
Ответ: Because he was dead.
Where are kings usually crowned?
Ответ: On their heads.
What runs all around the yard without moving?
Ответ: The fence.
What did the guitar say to the rock star?
Ответ: Quit picking on me!
What is found all over the house?
Ответ: The roof.
What is the best way to get fat?
Ответ: Go to the butcher shop.
What kind of doctor would a duck become?
Ответ: A quack doctor.
Why is the dentist so unhappy while at work?
Ответ: Because he is always looking down in the mouth.
What is the best thing to take when you are run down?
Ответ: The license plate number of the car that hit you.
Why does your sense of touch suffer when you are ill?
Ответ: Because you do not feel well.
Why does a bald-headed man have no use for keys?
Ответ: Because he has no locks.
Why do women not become bald as soon as men?
Ответ: Because they wear their hair longer.
What has fifty heads but can’t think?
Ответ: A book of matches.
What has 4 legs, a back, but no body?
Ответ: A chair.
What do you call a cat that likes to dig in the beach?
Ответ: Sandy Claws.
If a young boy should lose his knee, where would he go for another?
Ответ: To a butcher shop where kidneys are sold.
What did the big toe say to the little toe?
Ответ: Don’t look now, but there’s a heel following us.
How can a man have 4 hands?
Ответ: When he doubles his fists.
What is most useful when it is used up?
Ответ: An umbrella.
What is the biggest jewel in the world?
Ответ: A baseball diamond.
How do you keep food on an empty stomach?
Ответ: Bolt it down.
What is the worst kind of fare for men to live on?
Ответ: Warfare.
What is the best key to a good dinner?
Ответ: A turkey.
In what country were the first doughnuts fried?
Ответ: In Greece.
Why did the jelly roll?
Ответ: It saw the apple turnover.
What kind of can never needs a can opener?
Ответ: A pelican.
Why is a promise like an egg?
Ответ: They are both easily broken.
Why did Betsy Ross volunteer to make a flag?
Ответ: Because it was sew easy.
Where was Solomon’s temple?
Ответ: On his head.
What always happens on your 39th birthday?
Ответ: You turn 39.
What is the first thing the President does every day?
Ответ: He wakes up.
What bus ran from Spain to America?
Ответ: Columbus.
What is the largest plumbing job ever attempted?
Ответ: Flushing Michigan.
Why did the man put on a wet shirt?
Ответ: The label said wash and wear.
What is everyone in the world doing at the same time?
Ответ: Getting older.
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Ответ: Pilgrims.
Here on earth it is true, yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?
Ответ: In a dictionary.
What word is always pronounced wrong?
Ответ: The word \wrong\.
How do you avoid falling hair?
Ответ: Step out of the way.
What is the difference between a fisherman and a lazy student?
Ответ: One baits his hook, the other hates his book.
What is the difference between a dressmaker and a farmer?
Ответ: A dressmaker sews what he gathers, a farmer gathers what he sows.
Why did the spy pull the sheets over his head?
Ответ: He was an undercover agent.
Why did the waiter stomp on his customer’s hamburger?
Ответ: Because the customer was in a hurry and told the waiter to step on it.
Why did the woman who mended bowls go crazy?
Ответ: She was around cracked pots (crackpots) too long.
Why didn’t the girl go to work in the wool factory?
Ответ: Because she was too young to dye (die).
Why do misers talk so little?
Ответ: Because they don’t like to put their two cents in.
Why do people dislike going to the dentist?
Ответ: Because he is boring.
Why is a drama teacher like the Pony Express?
Ответ: Because he is a stage coach.
Why is a shoemaker like a clergyman?
Ответ: Both try to save soles (souls).
Why is a shoemaker’s job unpleasant?
Ответ: Because of all the low-down heels that he has to work with.
What is the difference between a gardener and a billiard player?
Ответ: One minds his peas, the other minds his cues.
Why did the pretty school teacher marry the janitor?
Ответ: Because he swept her off her feet.
What salesman has the slickest line?
Ответ: A hair grease salesman.
What was Noah’s profession?
Ответ: He was an arkitect (architect).
When do mathematicians die?
Ответ: When their numbers are up.
When does it pay to be boring?
Ответ: When you’re a ditch digger.
When is a teacher like a bird of prey?
Ответ: When he watches you like a hawk.
Who judges baking contests?
Ответ: A pirate (a pie right?)
Who makes a million dollars a day?
Ответ: Someone who works in a mint.
Who was the first nuclear scientist?
Ответ: Eve because she knew all about the atom (Adam).
Why are garbage men unhappy?
Ответ: Because they are down in the dumps so much.
What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
Ответ: A jeweler sells watches, a jailer watches cells.
What profession did the parrot get into when it swallowed the clock?
Ответ: Politics (Polly ticks).
Why was Count Dracula glad to help young vampires?
Ответ: He liked to see new blood in the business.
Why was the banker bored?
Ответ: Because he lost interest in everything.
Why was the cowboy a lot of laughs?
Ответ: He was always horsing around.
Why was the expert in the pretzel factory fired?
Ответ: He tried to straighten things out.
Why was the Marine sergeant discharged?
Ответ: Because he was rotten to the Corps (core).
Why was the photographer arrested?
Ответ: Because he shot people and blew them up.
Why was the worker fired from his job in the mattress factory?
Ответ: Because he was caught lying down on the job.
Why shouldn’t you believe painters?
Ответ: Because they spread it on thick.
How is a judge like an English teacher?
Ответ: They both hand out long sentences.
What is the difference between a locomotive engineer and a teacher?
Ответ: One minds the train, the other trains the mind.
How do you learn to work in an ice cream parlor?
Ответ: You go to sundae (Sunday) school.
What did the woman say to the adding machine?
Ответ: I’m counting on you.
What did the worm want to do when he grew up?
Ответ: He wanted to join the Apple Core (Corps).
What do atomic scientists do when they go on vacation?
Ответ: They go fission (fishing).
What do historians talk about when they meet?
Ответ: Old times, of course.
What did the rabbit want to be when he grew up?
Ответ: He wanted to join the Hare (Air) Force.
What do you call an undertaker in the South?
Ответ: A Southern planter.
What do you call the person who judges art contests?
Ответ: Artificial (an art official).
What do you call the person who mows the grass of a baseball field?
Ответ: A diamond cutter.
What do you have to know to be a real estate salesman?
Ответ: Lots.
What is the difference between a tailor and a horse trainer?
Ответ: One mends a tear, the other tends a mare.
For what person do all men take off their hats?
Ответ: The barber.
At this moment everyone in the world is doing the same thing. What is it?
Ответ: Getting older.
At what sports do waiters excel?
Ответ: Tennis. They really know how to serve.
What does a farmer grow if he works hard enough?
Ответ: Tired.
How do fish go into business?
Ответ: They start on a small scale.
How do sailors get their clothes clean?
Ответ: They throw them overboard and they wash ashore.
How do they pay people who work in a candle factory?
Ответ: By the wick (week).
How do undertakers speak?
Ответ: Gravely.
What did the little skunk want to be when it grew up?
Ответ: A big stinker.
What did the mason say to the wall?
Ответ: One more crack like that and I’ll plaster you!
What key in music makes a good army officer?
Ответ: A Sharp Major.
If the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower, how did the barbers arrive?
Ответ: On clipper ships.
What happened when the girl met the goat in the dairy?
Ответ: The goat turned to butter (butt her).
What happens to a postman when he gets old?
Ответ: He loses his zip.
What insect does a blacksmith make?
Ответ: The firefly.
What is a tailor’s son?
Ответ: A son of a so-and-so (sew-and-sew).
What is a thirsty physician?
Ответ: A dry dock (doc).
What is an astronomer?
Ответ: A night watchman with a college education.
What is an expert on soda pop?
Ответ: A fizzician (physician).
What is the difference between a blind man and a retired sailor?
Ответ: The blind man cannot see to go, the retired sailor cannot go to sea.
What is the difference between a composer and a letter carrier?
Ответ: One writes notes, the other delivers them.
What kind of a truck does a ballerina drive?
Ответ: A toe (tow) truck.
What are doctors?
Ответ: People who practice medicine but charge as if they know it.
What could you call a highly educated and skilled plumber?
Ответ: A drain surgeon.
What did Cinderella say when her photos didn’t show up?
Ответ: Some day my prints (prince) will come.
What did the invisible girl want to be when she grew up?
Ответ: A gone-gone dancer.
Why are there no psychiatrists for dogs?
Ответ: Everyone knows dogs aren’t allowed on couches.
Why are twin doctors puzzling?
Ответ: They are a paradox (pair of docs).
Why did the cookie baker quit his job?
Ответ: Because his work was so crummy (crumby).
What did the laundry man say to the impatient customer?
Ответ: Keep your shirt on!
What kind of job did the lazy man get?
Ответ: He stood around so long doing nothing, he became a dust collector.
What kind of job is it easy to stick to?
Ответ: Working in a glue factory.
What kind of artist can’t you trust?
Ответ: A sculptor because he is always chiseling or a con artist.
What kind of policemen enjoy their work most?
Ответ: Traffic policemen, because they whistle while they work.
What kind of car does an electrician drive?
Ответ: A Volts Wagon (Volkswagen).
Sights of great britain.
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