Best riddles part 1

What animal uses a nutcracker?

Ответ: A toothless squirrel!


What does a dog get when it finishes obedience school?

Ответ: A pet degree.


What is the best way to catch a squirrel?

Ответ: Climb a tree and act like a nut.


What dog never barks no matter what you do to him?

Ответ: A hot dog.


Who was the first to have a mobile home?

Ответ: A turtle.


What is a dog catcher?

Ответ: A spot remover!


Why do lions eat raw meat?

Ответ: Because they do not know how to cook.


What do pelicans eat?

Ответ: Anything that fits the bill.


Why does a chicken lay an egg?

Ответ: If she dropped it, it would break.


Why should a turtle be pitied?

Ответ: Because his is a hard case.


Why do hummingbirds hum?

Ответ: Because they do not know the words.


What goes «Tick tock, woof woof»?

Ответ: A watch dog.


How do keep an elephant from charging?

Ответ: Take away his credit cards.


What did the apple say to the worm?

Ответ: You bore me.


What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

Ответ: Nice gnawing you.


Why did the baseball team hire a frog?

Ответ: The frog never missed a fly.


Where do moths go to have fun?

Ответ: To the moth ball.


How do you know when an owl is tired?

Ответ: When he doesn’t give a hoot.


What did the bee say when he got home?

Ответ: Hi honey.


What shellfish lifts weights?

Ответ: Mussels.


Why did the hen lift weights?

Ответ: She needed the eggs-ercise.


Why do owls call at night?

Ответ: Because the rates are cheaper.


What happens when it rains cats and dogs?

Ответ: You can step in a poodle.


What is a little dog’s favorite drink?

Ответ: Pupsi-cola.


What is more impressive than a talking dog?

Ответ: A spelling bee.


What kind of dog chases anything red?

Ответ: A Bulldog.


What kind of dog does Dracula have?

Ответ: A Bloodhound.


What kind of dog floats in the air?

Ответ: An Airedale.


What do you get if an Airedale floats too close to the sun?

Ответ: A hot dog.


What’s happening when you hear «woof…splat…meow…splat»?

Ответ: It’s raining cats and dogs.


What do you call a dog that is left-handed?

Ответ: A south paw.

How did the little Scottish dog feel when he saw a monster?

Ответ: Terrier-fied!


Where do you find a no legged dog?

Ответ: Right where you left him.


Where do young dogs sleep when they camp out?

Ответ: Pup Tents.


Where should you never take a dog?

Ответ: To a flea market.


Which dog tastes better when eaten?

Ответ: A hot dog.


Which side of a dog has the most hair?

Ответ: The outside.


Who gave the dog a black eye?

Ответ: Nobody gave it to him. He had to fight for it.


Who is a dogs favorite comedian?

Ответ: Growlcho Marx.


Why are dogs such poor dancers?

Ответ: They have two left feet.


Why did the dog go to the doctor after a tomato fell on his head?

Ответ: The tomato was in a can.


What do you call a dog with no legs?

Ответ: It doesn’t matter what you call him, he’s not gonna come.


Why did the dog jump off the Empire State Building?

Ответ: He wanted to make a hit on Broadway.


Why did the dog jump up and down on the potato patch?

Ответ: He hoped to raise mashed potatoes.


Why did the dog run in circles?

Ответ: He was a watchdog and needed winding.


Why did the dog say he was an actor?

Ответ: His leg was in a cast.


Why did the dog wear a watch?

Ответ: He wanted to be a watch dog.


Why did the little boy name his new dog Computer?

Ответ: Because it came with lots of bytes.


Why did the snowman call his dog Frost?

Ответ: Because frost bites.


Why do dogs turn around three times before lying down?

Ответ: One good turn deserves another.


Why do firefighters need Dalmatians?

Ответ: To help them find the fire hydrants.


Why does a dog scratch himself?

Ответ: Because no one else knows where it itches.


What do you call a great dog detective?

Ответ: Sherlock Bones.


What did the puppy say when he sat on sand paper?

Ответ: RUFF.


What happens to the duck who flies upside down?

Ответ: He quacks up!


What horse never goes out in the day time?

Ответ: A night mare.


What did the dog say to the little child pulling his tail?

Ответ: That is the end of me!


Why don’t pigs drive cars?

Ответ: They would become road hogs.


What is the smartest kind of bee?

Ответ: A spelling bee.


Did you hear about the cowboy who got himself a dachshund?

Ответ: Everyone kept telling him to get a long, little doggie.


What is a mosquito’s favorite sport?

Ответ: Skin diving.


How do you fix a broken gorilla?

Ответ: With a monkey wrench.


What do you get if cross two young dogs with a pair of headphones?

Ответ: Hush puppies!


What is the best year for a kangaroo?

Ответ: Leap year.


Why did the police arrest the bird?

Ответ: Because he was a robin.


Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist?

Ответ: He doesn’t believe in dogs.


Who designed Noah’s ark?

Ответ: An ark-itect.


Why was the pig thrown out of the football game?

Ответ: For playing dirty.


What kind of food does a race horse eat?

Ответ: Fast food.


What is a snake’s favorite ice cream?

Ответ: Hiss-tachio.


How do you bake a cake for Lassie?

Ответ: You start with collie flour.


How do you know when the fish is fresh?

Ответ: When they bite your fingers.


Where do rabbits go to have their eyes examined?

Ответ: To the hop-tometrist.


What do you get if you cross a beagle with bread dough?

Ответ: Dog biscuits.


What happened when the centipede broke all his feet?

Ответ: He did not have a leg to stand on.


What bird never goes to a barber?

Ответ: A bald eagle.


What kind of birds are most frequently found in captivity?

Ответ: Jailbirds.


What do hens study in college?

Ответ: Egg — onomics.


What is black and yellow and goes zzub, zzub?

Ответ: A bee flying backwards.


How do you feel if you cross a sheepdog with a melon?

Ответ: Melon-collie!


What is the snappiest snake?

Ответ: A garter snake.


How is a dog like a penny?

Ответ: They both have a head and a tail.


What do you get if you cross a Beatle and an Australian dog?

Ответ: Dingo Starr!

Why are mosquitoes so annoying?

Ответ: Because they get under our skin.


What kind of leopard has red spots?

Ответ: One who has the measles.


Which fish are the brightest?

Ответ: Sunfish.


What bone will a dog never eat?

Ответ: A trombone.


Which animal talks the most?

Ответ: The yak.


Why do cows wear bells?

Ответ: Because their horns don’t work.


Why do squirrels spend so much time in trees?

Ответ: To get away from all the nuts on the ground.


What did the cowboy say when the bear ate Lassie?

Ответ: Well, doggone!


What kind of bandit steals cats?

Ответ: A purr-snatcher.


Jennifer went swimming and saw a shark in the water with her, but she wasn’t afraid! Why not?

Ответ: Because it was a man-eating shark.


What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster?

Ответ: Cockerpoodledoo!


What animal drops from the clouds?

Ответ: The rein-deer.


What animal doesn’t play fair?

Ответ: The Cheetah.


Why did the chicken cross the playground?

Ответ: To get to the other slide.


What do bees do with all their honey?

Ответ: They Cell it.


What is the principal part of a horse?

Ответ: The mane part.


Topic favourite season.
Today the life of many young.

Best riddles part 1