Julianna: Ha ha! The Wicked witch is dead!
Hugo: What are you talking about?
Julianna: Bettina is Stepping down as chairperson of the committee. I Thought this day would never come.
Hugo: That’s a big surprise. I never thought I’d Live to see the day when Bettina would Willingly give up her position.
Julianna: It wasn’t her choice exactly. The rest of the committee Forced her out, saying they couldn’t work with her anymore. Oh How the mighty have fallen!
Hugo: But I thought she had the support of the Higher-ups and they wanted her in the position.
Julianna: Well, she’s somehow Fallen from grace and they Can’t wait to see the back of her. It’s nice to see her get her Comeuppance – finally!
Hugo: Maybe we’re not getting the Full story. Maybe she had personal reasons for leaving.
Julianna: Whatever the reason, we’ll Be rid of her Once and for all. Hallelujah!
Hugo: How do you know the next chairperson won’t be worse?
Julianna: Bite your tongue!
The bolshoi theatre is one of the most.
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Being Forced Out of a Position