Back in the good ole days in Texas, when stage coaches and the like were popular, there were three people in a stage coach one day: a true red blooded born and raised Texas gentleman, a tenderfoot city slicker from back East, and a beautiful and well endowed Texas lady. The city slicker kept eyeing the lady, and finally he leaned forward and said, «Lady, I’ll give you $10 for a blow job.» The Texas gentleman looked appalled, pulled out his pistol, and killed the city slicker on the spot. The lady gasped and said, «Thank you, suh, for defendin’ mah honor!» Whereupon the Texan holstered his gun and said, «Your honor, hell! No tenderfoot is gonna raise the price of a woman in Texas!»
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Means of communication сочинение.
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Back in the good ole days in Texas