ATM procedures

Chase is very pleased to announce that we are installing new Drive-thru ATMs where customers will be able withdraw cash without leaving their vehicle. (Other accounts can also utilise this facility) Male and Female procedures have been tailored to best reflect the behaviors of those particular groupings.


1. Drive up to the ATM 2. Open the car window 3. Insert card into machine and enter PIN 4. Enter amount of cash required and press «enter» 5. Retrieve card, cash and receipt 6. Close window 7. Drive away


1. Drive up to the ATM 2. Reverse back the required distance to align car with ATM 3. Re-start stalled engine 4. Open the car window 5. Find handbag, empty all contents onto the passenger seat and locate card 6. Turn radio down 7. Attempt to insert card into ATM 8. Open car door to allow easier access to ATM due to excessive distance between car and ATM 9. Insert card 10. Re-insert card the right way up 11. Ignore the sound of car horn from vehicle behind 12. Search contents of handbag (on passenger seat) to locate diary with PIN written on the inside back page under «Date of Birth» 13. Enter PIN 14. Press «cancel» and re-enter PIN 15. Enter amount of cash required and check make-up in rearview mirror 16. Drum fingertips on steering wheel for one minute, then look at ATM and press «enter» 17. Retrieve cash and receipt 18. Search contents of handbag (on passenger seat) to locate purse and place cash inside 19. Place receipt in back of cheque book 20. Re-check make-up 21. Drive forward two metres 22. Reverse back to ATM ignoring the sound of car horn from vehicle behind 23. Retrieve card 24. Search contents of handbag (on passenger seat) to locate card holder and place card in an empty slot 25. Drive two or three kilometres 26. Release hand brake

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ATM procedures