Clerk: Yes, can I help you?
Orlando: I want to get a Passport.
Clerk: Have you filled out the Application?
Orlando: No, I haven’t.
Clerk: Come back when you’ve filled it out.
Orlando: Okay, I’ve completed the application.
Clerk: Let me see it. You need to fill in your Social Security number here and you need to provide Evidence of your Citizenship. Have you ever had a passport before?
Orlando: No, I haven’t.
Clerk: In that case, you’ll need To submit a copy of your Birth certificate, or if you were born outside of the country, a copy of your Naturalization Certificate or a Consular Report of Birth Abroad.
Orlando: I don’t have those Documents with me.
Clerk: Come back when you do.
Orlando: Okay, I’m back. I have a copy of my birth certificate.
Clerk: All right. Let me see some Identification.
Orlando: Identification?
Clerk: Yes, I need to see a Valid driver’s license, a government ID, or a Military ID.
Orlando: I’ll be right back.
Clerk: Yes?
Orlando: Here’s my military ID.
Clerk: Where are you Passport photos?
Orlando: Passport photos?
Clerk: Yes, you need two Identical passport photos.
Orlando: I’ll be right back.
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School uniform топик.
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Applying for a Passport