[wipe out] {v.} 1. To remove or erase by wiping or rubbing. Theteacher wiped out with an eraser what she had written on the board. Compare: RUB OUT. 2. {informal} To remove, kill, or
[whispering campaign] {n.} The spreading of false rumors, or sayingbad things, about a person or group, especially in politics or publiclife. A bad man has started a whispering campaign against themayor, saying that he
[voice box] {n.} The part of the throat where the sound of yourvoice is made; the larynx. Mr. Smith’s voice box was taken out inan operation, and he could not talk after that.
Идиома: out of whack Идиома: out of whack Разг. Перевод: 1. не в порядке (нуждается в ремонте, плохо работает, и т. п.), в беспорядке; 2. плохо согласовываться, быть не в ладу Пример: My DVD
Идиома: bring up the rear Перевод: идти последним, замыкать шествие, находиться в конце (марша, процессии, и т. п.) Пример: They walked down the hall, with Tom bringing up the rear. Они шли по коридору,
Идиома: laugh up one’s sleeve Перевод: посмеиваться втихомолку, смеяться в кулак, смеяться исподтишка Пример: I was laughing up my sleeve when I learned that my friend would have to clean the bathroom at work.
Идиома: around the clock Перевод: весь день и всю ночь, сутки напролет Пример: We worked around the clock to prepare the store to open. Мы работали день и ночь, чтобы подготовить магазин к открытию.
[one for the books] {n, phr.}, {informal} Very unusual; aremarkable something. The newspaper reporter fumed in a story thatwas one for the books. Their trip through the Rocky Mountains wasone for the books.
Идиома: the coast is clear Перевод: путь свободен, препятствий нет Пример: When the coast is clear we will try to enter the building. Когда путь будет свободен, мы попытаемся зайти в здание.
[past one’s peak] {adj. phr.} No longer as strong, efficient, orable as one once was, usually because of advanced age and decreasedability. He used to be a terrific athlete but we’re afraid he ispast