Значение идиомы on top of
[on top of] {prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on topof it. That high hill has a
Значение идиомы make sure
[make sure] {v. phr.} To see about something yourself; look at tobe sure. Father makes sure that all the lights are off before hegoes to bed. Mary thought she had time to get to
Значение идиомы at all
[at all] {adv. phr.} At any time or place, for any reason, or in any degree or manner. – Used for emphasis with certain kinds of words or sentences. 1. Negative It’s not at
Перевод идиомы for crying out loud, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: for crying out loud Перевод: выражение удивления, гнева, злости Пример: For crying out loud! Can’t you leave me alone even for a minute! Да что же это такое! Оставь меня в покое хотя
Значение идиомы prevail upon
[prevail upon] or [prevail on] {v.} To bring to an act or belief;cause a change in; persuade. He prevailed upon the musician toentertain instead of the absent speaker. He prevailed upon me tobelieve in
Значение идиомы put-on
[put-on] {n.} An act of teasing; the playing of a practical joke onsomeone. Eric didn’t realize that it was a put-on when his friendsphoned him that he won the lottery.
Значение идиомы That will do!
[That will do!] Informal expression of impatience meaning “stop,””no more.” “That will do, Tommy,” his mother cried. “I’ve had justabout enough of your drumming on the table.”
Значение идиомы know-it-all
[know-it-all] {n.} A person who acts as if he knows all abouteverything; someone who thinks no one can tell him anything new. After George was elected as class president, he wouldn’t takesuggestions from anyone;
Значение идиомы get stoned
[get stoned] {v. phr.}, {slang} To become very drunk or high onsome drug. Poor Fred was so stoned that Tom had to carry him up thestairs. Compare: THREE SHEETS TO THE WIND.
Значение идиомы take in
[take in] {v.} 1. To include. The country’s boundaries werechanged to fake in a piece of land beyond the river. The class ofmammals takes in nearly all warm-blooded animals except the birds. 2.To go