I was nearly asleep in my seat when I heard this announcement:
“Folks, this is the captain speaking from the Cockpit. We are experiencing a lot of Turbulence and I’m turning on the Fasten seatbelt sign. Please remain in your seats.”
I didn’t think anything of it until a few minutes later when I heard this announcement:
“This is your captain speaking again. Due to Extreme weather conditions, we may need to make an Emergency landing. The Cabin crew will review the Emergency procedures, and give you instructions on how to use the Floatation devices and the Oxygen masks. Please stay calm.”
This is when I started To freak out. What if we Crash-land? What if we Dive into the ocean? Who would Rescue us here In the middle of nowhere?
Then, I heard this announcement:
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain again. It seems that we had an Instrument malfunction, and no emergency landing will be necessary. Sorry To alarm you, and please go back to sleep.”
Go back to sleep?! Is he kidding? How can anyone sleep after that?! I’m still Watching my life flash before my eyes!
Тема healthy food.
Topic english food.
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An Emergency Airplane Landing